Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme

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Created: Nov 6, 2014

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

ID: 52083

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Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

Flavory - Restaurant and Cafe WordPress Theme

Do you have a small restaurant and it is located in a great location? Are there even regular customers who love you and your kitchen? Many restaurants believe that this is enough for good work and do not think about creating their own site. We want to show you how easy you can make your site without making big attachments or wasting time using a Café and Restaurant Templates.

The restaurant's own site today is like fresh air. It is necessary if you want to develop your business and make it more successful. The site will help your visitors understand who you are and why it is worth coming to you. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the menu and interior of the restaurant.

Another opportunity that you will get when creating a site is to remind your customers of yourself through advertising and attract new customers, hold large events, and increase the prestige of the institution. The Flavory template is a whole set of tools for analytics, working with customers, promoting the restaurant and we will be happy to help you create your site quickly and with minimal attachments.

Modern excellent template for restaurant, cafe, pizzeria

The modern creative theme Flavory - is an adaptive template that will be very useful for a small restaurant, pizzeria, cafe, or sushi bar. You get new opportunities by simply creating your site and spending a minimum of time on it. The theme can be adapted to any theme of your institution - it has a modern minimalist design and can be supplemented by any banners, video, and photo materials.

The structure of the template allows you to use it as a multifunctional site or just a landing page - choose what you are comfortable with and work for your pleasure. The template structure consists of the following sections:

  • home page;
  • about us;
  • menu;
  • location;
  • blog;
  • single post;
  • reserve a table.

Your visitors should definitely find here what is important to them, so try to think about everything in advance and post important information on your website.

On the home page, it is enough to put your story or concept, what makes you unique. Add here the most popular dishes from the menu or seasonal menu to interest and attract visitors. There is also an opportunity to immediately reserve a table and find your contacts - placing a map is especially useful for urban residents.

Your meals should look perfect! To do this, just one photoshoot is enough to then use photos for the site and social networks. Add only bright and appetizing dishes to the site and remember about the features: shine, details, colorful colors.

A quick search of the site will definitely be used by your customers to find your favorite dish or information about the upcoming events in the restaurant.

Your site should convey the atmosphere of your restaurant - interior details, photos, tables, sofas, bar. You can also do this by using video.

Your visitors need to know how to get to you! To do this, we provided a card where you can attach your address. So visitors will be able to lay a convenient route for themselves and save it on a smartphone.

If you often hold various events or want to maintain your thematic blog, you can use a blog - where you can publish your news, articles, menu novelties, interesting recipes. In a word, everything you want to share with visitors. Your visitors can also share the most interesting articles on social networks, which will allow you to increase the recognition of the restaurant and attract new customers.

The most important section on the site is an online booking for food delivery or reservation table. This simple feature allows you to increase the conversion from visitors to customers several times because you make their selection easier. Of course, such a function is important if your site does not simply perform the role of a business card. Additional plugins will make the site fully automated (accepting orders, notifying customers, mailing, etc.) and seconded on additional employees.

Flavory - the latest template WordPress for cafes and restaurants

To attract new customers to your restaurant, promote and advertise your site. Created with the help of Cafe and Restaurant Templates, it is already SEO adapted and ready for promotion. We've prepared everything to keep your time and money. For the work of the topic, it is enough to install it, fill in the content, and start promoting.

A completely adaptive theme allows the site to display correctly on any resources - smartphones, tablets, and desktops. You can be sure that your users will always and in any circumstances be able to visit your site.

So that guests do not leave the site, we made it beautiful and convenient: the theme is designed specifically for the requirements of restaurants and takes into account all the details for your business. You can download the theme, see the demo version now. To install and configure the template, you can also count on our technical support - we will help you deal with all questions. Work with a new theme, even if you do not have experience in installing sites - now it is simple and understandable for everyone!


Flavory (January 18, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.0 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.6 compatible.

8 Reviews for this product

questo tema si adatta perfettamente ale esigenze del cliente in tutte le sue sfaccettature. è modellabile ma difficile da installare se non con un aiuto dei vostri tecnici. ho provato ad installarlo da solo ma gli errori che mi restituiva non mi permettevano di risolvere in autonomia il problema, per questo ho contattato il vostro centro assistenza e mi sono davvero trovato benissimo. lo consiglio a chiunque abbia un po di esperienza
easy to work with and very modular. Thank you for your great work on this template.
Отзыв! Хочу поблагодарить компанию templatemonster! Купила 7 шаблонов Прекрасная поддержка и отличная команда! Всегда приходят на помощь в любых вопросах. Настоящие профессионалы своего дела! Я считаю, что надо идти с лучшими из лучших! Эта компания на мой взгляд - выше всяких похвал! Сама учусь у таких профессионалов создавать высокий уровень в работе!
I love working with Template og体育首页 templates!... They have beautiful designs and always help me with tutorials and information to work on my templates.
Very Good!!! Fully editable and beautyful!!! The best solution for a restaurant or cafe

2 Comments for this product

Hi there, I think that this template looks great. However, it may be that the client does not always want a video background. Is it possible to also use a static image or MUST it always be video? Best regards, Mark
Yes you can set a static image in Cherry Options -> Header info. Under Home page media type select Image instead of Video.
Hi, I really like this theme because it looks just awesome. The only think that is keeping me from buying it is that i dont see a reservation system in it. Is there one? Or is there a recommended plugin for it? It would be great if this reservation system works in Holland. Thank you and keep up the good work! Regards, Anthony
Dear Anthony, I also think this template looks awesome! Unfortunately, there is no reservation system in it. Basically, most of my F&B clients do not use online reservation system in Hong Kong. They still prefer the old ways (phone reservations). As such, I don't have any experience with any reservation system plugin, so can't recommend any. Sorry about that! Best Regards, Jenny

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